星期二, 3月 22, 2005

很抱歉, 本店尚未準備好接待12歲以下的客人

這說辭很妙. 是小風想出來的. 這傢伙有些事情, 尤其是他那套聽起來像是氣功的身體感受我比較不能認同外, 我倒是對他蠻佩服的. 小風從事幼教工作資深, "12歲"這門檻也是他訂出來的, 他說小朋友在12歲之前的自治能力比較差.

"很抱歉, 本店尚未準備好接待12歲以下的客人," 說機車一點, 就是" 本店禁止12歲以下小朋友進入"

要我把第二種說法貼上門, 說真的我還真難辦到. 拒人於千里之外本來就不是生財之道. 但是假如因為不捨得篩選客人, 有時候怕更多的客人因為這樣篩選掉了你.

當然, 訂出來的規則只是備用條款. 實施期間當然不乏客人未知, 大老遠來消費, 拒絕人家進入等於是另一種商譽的損失, 所以假如家長能夠保證小孩能夠自律, 我們還是可以接受進入. 當然, 外桌還是歡迎小朋友使用.

小孩本來就是公共場合寧靜殺手. 我自己也有小孩, 畢竟小孩有小孩應該去的地方. 這規則的一直在腦子盤轉很久了, 只是沒勇氣付諸行動. 有很大的因素是字句的選用. 同時, Ramin真的以行動表明對小孩子噪音的不滿時, 才似乎點醒我 "I gotta do something before things get worse." 於是向小風請示, 得到這個經典" 很抱歉, 本店尚未準備好接待12歲以下的客人"

和Ramin通過幾次e-mail, 這是他回我的最後一封信:

Hi Scott,


Regarding the experience at Mojo today:

Yes, it was certainly not the typical enjoyable time at Mojo, in fact, the Blues festival was probably more peaceful....and I think most other clients were a bit perturbed too....and when I left I mentioned "If I had a restaurant, I would not allow Children"....I am surprised that your staff mentioned that to you, because I did not mean to suggest that YOU not let children in, I honestly meant "If I had a restaurant (which I hope someday to have), I would not allow children". As I mentioned to you, Ken and I have thought about opening a restaurant for a long time and we have had this exact debate among ourselves about allowing children, I say NO, and he says we have to, in order to keep business...but the truth is, It ALL depends on WHAT TYPE of restaurant it is.....if it is a lounge bar, no kids is no problem...if it is a fast food place, keeping kids out is bad for business.....

Anyway, of course decision with what you want to do in regards to Mojo is yours, and I think that your general (regular)
customers will appreciate a quiet, comfortable atmosphere (and I think your staff prefer that too from what I saw today), but you must consider how your business will be affected , which I am sure you have.....in view of the fact that you primarily have coffee, and children do not and should not drink coffee, it probably will not have a negative affect on your business.

Regardless, I certainly would keep coming even if you kept allowing children in, because it is not everyday that situation like today happens. Things cannot ALWAYS go the way we want them right? So, please rest assured that I will be going to Mojo as often as I can, noisy kids or not!

Take care and see you soon.

With best regards,



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